The Week/Fortnight That Was

Neat Things from Week Beginning August 1, 2022

I missed a week

Probably not an auspicious start. Still, an interesting melange of links to share this week.

Speaking of melanges, dear reader, have any of you given a tech talk in a language you're not currently proficient in? My Japanese is N4 level at best, but I'd quite like to submit a talk for JSConfJP (For which submissions are currently open). Perhaps a worthy goal to work towards; Perhaps a way to look foolish.

A few links this week pertain to a re-vivification of my personal stream over on Twitch, as well as Sauce Labs' professional stream, still in the making. I hope you enjoy.


All opinions are my own; I don't guarantee any of this to be breaking news; Pineapple absolutely belongs on pizza as long as it's not too wet; No-one is paying me to talk about their stuff; I don't accept liability etc; My cat is adorable and I won't be taking questions at this time.

Cool Stuff

For Development

Lovely command line scripting with Gum

It has been quite some time since I last wrote a command-line script, but it has been an occurrence that has... occurred. Next time it... occurs... (oh dear) I'll be implementing it with the assistance of the lovely Gum library.

Gum makes it easy to create well formatted, easy-to-use, attractive CLI utilities with animation and colour. Observe:


Gum's developers, Charm, are awash with their namesake; Lovely tools with Aesthetic. Delightful.

Unison, the ironically named distributed programming language

Unison is... quite an adventure. Every Unison function has a unique, deterministic address that references it's implementation, arguments, and dependent functions.

The Unison team claims this allows for more flexible distributed computing, where chunks of code can be shipped around on the fly to different compute nodes. Content addressing also gives them nice code management tools, 0-time builds and other neat things.

Go read that link; It's a quite interesting idea.

WYSIWYG Markdown editing with Milkdown

Saul Mirone brings us Milkdown, an editor framework for Markdown. A plugin based architecture allows users to build the exact editor they want.

System 6-style CSS with system.css

Well. Sakofchit has really outdone themselves creating system.css. This design system enables you to bring that retro, MacOS System6 feel to your webpages. Just look at it!


For Video Production

NodeJS powered visual effects with NodeCG

NodeCG is a visual effects tool with an extremely simple concept: Render a webpage.

NodeCG has no graphics or drawing primitives and instead provides a structure for code and an API to facilitate moving data between your dashboard, server, and graphics libraries. The result is imported into any live production app which can render HTML, such as OBS Studio.

H2r Graphics, for Chroma-Key'd visual effects

H2r Graphics is from Here to Record; a content team focused on live video production. This simple solution offers dynamic data, lower thirds, messages and looks robust and straightforward.

CSS-based effects themeing with Holographics

Working on Windows and Mac, Holographics offers simple widget based composition, with an additional open source NodeJS SDK for dynamic updates.

The team claims it's designed to do "Basic graphics really well", and that other applications are better suited to uses like sports broadcasts.

It's still in it's infancy, but there are quite a few additions planned.

CasparCG for open source broadcast television

CasparCG is heavyweight, layer-based, config-forward composition. It's been used since 2006 by most European broadcasters, but remains free and open source.

I imagine with some heavy lifting in code, you can do almost anything with it! Find it here.

For Joy

This is Fine: Build your Denial

Legotruman needs you to vote for his Lego design. The reasons I support this should be obvious:


Make everything fine here.

Edifying Reading


Microsoft Devs, on why CMD will never change

Like them or not, Microsoft is labouring under a great weight of commercial customer expectations, as shown by this Microsoft dev, explaining why it's never a case of "just" making a change.